Sunday, September 8, 2024

What Is The Best Way To Lose Stomach Fat

On The Scale At Least Once A Day

#1 Absolute Best Way To Lose Belly Fat For Good – Doctor Explains

If theres one thing that comes up over and over with the thousands of patients enrolled in the National Weight Control Registry, its weighing yourself every day on a scale, says Rena Wing, Ph.D., founder of the registry, which tracks more than 4,500 men and women who have lost an average of 20lbs or more and kept it off for at least six years. Dont obsess over the number, she says, but at least keep track of the general range of what you weigh so you can catch small changes as they occur and take corrective measures immediately.

Exercises To Lose Belly Fat In Women

Women are built for child-bearing which makes us fat-storing machines. Fast and furious efforts to lose belly fat are often not sustainable and can lead to health issues, eating disorders, and the loss of precious muscle.

In order for women to lose belly fat and body weight safely, they must commit to a long-term program that combines simple exercises with a healthy diet.

Losing one to two pounds per week is a safe and realistic goal. It will also help prevent type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Plus, belly fat is unsightly and makes your clothes fit tight and uncomfortable. There are two types of fat :

  • the soft fat that makes you look pudgy and
  • the visceral fat that causes your body to release cortisol, the stress hormone and other compounds that increase inflammation throughout your body.

The first fat you lose when you start an exercise program is visceral fat, however the subcutaneous fat may take a little longer to lose, so be patient.

For women, here are 6 exercises to consider in order to lose belly fat:

Eat Plenty Of Protein

The easiest change you can make to your diet to lose belly fat is to eat enough protein. There are several reasons for this. Increasing your protein intake increases satiety. In most cases, if youre not hungry, you wont eat. Therefore, increasing satiety can result in effortless weight loss.

Moreover, eating enough protein throughout the day ensures you maintain your metabolically active mass even when you eat at a calorie deficit. If you push your muscles to failure through resistance training, you can even build muscle while burning belly fat by eating enough protein. Bio-available protein sources include legumes, dairy products, game meat, eggs, and lean seafood.

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Understand Why You Gain Belly Fat

As you age, you can’t avoid gaining some belly fat and you won’t be able to lose all of it, but you can minimize its appearance and its negative health effects with lifestyle and dietary interventions.

Starting at age 30, you begin to experience sarcopenia, which is the natural loss of muscle mass that naturally occurs with aging. The American Association of Retired Persons states that this loss is approximately a pound a year after 30 — if you don’t engage in strength training to preserve your muscle tissue. By 60 — with no exercise — you may have lost about 30 pounds of muscle mass, replacing the muscle mostly with fat. Fat is less efficient at burning calories than muscle is, which means that your body’s resting metabolism also declines. So, even if you eat the same amount of food as you did when you were younger, you will likely gain weight.

To prevent weight gain with your slowing metabolism, you need to reduce your daily caloric intake by about 100 calories every 10 years after age 40. So, at 60 or older, you should consume at least 200 fewer calories every day than when you were in your 30s.

Is Putting On Weight Just Part Of Getting Older

Lose Belly Fat:

Its true that as we get older, we need less calories to keep our body working well. Changes to our hormones during this time mean that we start to lose muscle and gain fat. This makes it harder to keep to a healthy weight but thats not to say its impossible. In fact, people who are aged 65 and over are healthier than their ancestors and are living longer.

Although you cant escape the ageing process, when it comes to managing your weight, there are other factors that are within your control. These include your lifestyle habits, choices and behaviours and how active you are.

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Visceral Fat Vs Subcutaneous Fat

If you sliced someones belly open , you would find fat in two places.

The padding just under the surface of the skin: This type of fat, called either subcutaneous fat or peripheral fat, is relatively benign.1,2

Deep in the abdomen, often surrounding vital organs like the liver, stomach, and intestines: Called visceral or central fat, this contributes to chronic inflammation, the formation of arterial plaque, and blood clots.3 Its also associated with an increased risk for metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.4,5

Generally, if someone has more subcutaneous fat, theyll also have more visceral fatbut not always. Occasionally, a person can appear quite lean, with little subcutaneous fat, but still have higher levels of visceral fat.

Bitter Orange / Synephrine

A type of orange called bitter orange contains the compound synephrine.

Synephrine is related to ephedrine, which used to be a popular ingredient in various weight loss pill formulations.

However, ephedrine has since been banned as a weight loss ingredient by the FDA because of serious side effects.

How it works: Synephrine shares similar mechanisms with ephedrine, but is less potent. It can reduce appetite and significantly increase fat burning .

Effectiveness: Very few studies have been done on synephrine, but ephedrine has been shown to cause significant short-term weight loss in many studies .

Side effects: Like ephedrine, synephrine may have serious side effects related to the heart. It may also be addictive.

Bottom Line:

Synephrine is a fairly potent stimulant, and probably effective for weight loss in the short term. However, the side effects can be serious, so this should only be used with extreme caution.

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You Haven’t Got The Right Exercise Balance

With all the different tips out there, it can be tricky to understand exactly which exercises work the best. “HIIT is great for fat burning and will get your heart rate up, but I’d also recommend including strength and resistance exercises too,” shares Dr Luke. “Try lifting weights, using resistance bands or using the weight machines at the gym as these will increase your metabolism to help with weight loss, and increase your muscle strength. It’s important to mix-up your whole-body workouts so you don’t get bored.”

Choose Soluble Fibre Foods

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast (The Best Way To Lose Belly Fat For Men, Women, and Teenagers)

Stay clear of processed sugars and complex carbohydrates. Instead, try and include plenty of soluble fibre foods such as flax seeds, avocados, blackberries, and Brussels sprouts.

This is because soluble fibre absorbs water and forms a gel that helps slow down food as it passes through your digestive system.

It helps you feel fuller for longer, so you end up eating less and not snacking excessively.

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Look At The Quality Of Your Sleep

Dont underestimate the power of a good nights sleep, too. Yes, it can help combat under-eye bags but, according to the University of Leeds, adults who get more than six hours of sleep per night are likely to carry 3cm less around their waist.

Head to bed earlier and follow the WHhow to get to sleep guide to ensure a lack of shut-eye doesnt hold you back from losing belly fat.

Try Cardio On An Empty Stomach

Another important thing that you should be doing as you move about your plan to discover the best way to lose belly fat is to try cardio on an empty stomach.

While you wont be able to do high intensity cardio without having a meal beforehand and glucose present in your body, doing a moderate paced cardio session without food can tap into your stubborn body fat stores more effectively.

30-45 minutes 3-5 times per week could just do the trick to really help you lose belly fat quickly.

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Okay But Why Do I Have Belly Fat

Well, as youve probably heard, where we store fat relates to hormones, genetics, and certain medical conditions.

Things that can increase visceral fat include:

  • A higher body fat percentage: Although genetics and hormones will determine how fat is distributed, people with more body fat are more likely to have higher amounts of belly fat.
  • Being a man: Compared to premenopausal women, men are more likely to carry extra fat around their midsection. Thats because their visceral fat stores seem to absorb a greater proportion of dietary fat.6
  • Being postmenopausal: Mostly due to hormonal shifts, women tend to experience a shift in body fat distribution post-menopause, with a decrease in leg fat, and an increase in abdominal fat.7
  • Aging: As fat cells age, they secrete more inflammatory factors and also get redistributed from subcutaneous stores to visceral depots.8
  • Having chronically high levels of cortisol: Visceral fat soaks up and breaks down excess cortisol.9
  • Having certain gene variants: Several genes have been linked to body fat distribution. While all people carry these genes, certain versions of these genes predispose a person to carry fat around their midsection, compared to their hips and legs.10,11

We cant do anything about our age, sex, or genes. . But we do have control over a few other things.

And were about to get into just that.

Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat In Men

Pin on Lose Belly Fat

There are many exercises to choose from for men, but it is best to start with the best six exercises below that will yield huge payoffs: fewer injuries and more muscle.

=> Also have a look on our exercices list to lose weight and top 2020 weight loss apps.

Here are six exercises for men to consider that dont require any equipment :

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Dietary Intervention To Lose Belly Fat

To lose belly fat, you need to reduce your calorie intake even more. To lose a pound of fat, you must eat 3,500 calories fewer than you burn. A reduction of 500 to 1,000 calories a day results in a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week. For some people over 60, this caloric deficit is too aggressive and will put them at a caloric intake that’s too low to provide optimal nutrients and energy. For example, the average sedentary woman over 50 may burn only 1,600 calories a day. Reducing that intake by 500 calories leaves you with only1,100 calories a day, which is extremely difficult to sustain long term. You might need to modify your weight-loss goal to lose approximately 1/2 pound per week, which requires a 250-calorie deficit a day. Increasing physical activity can also help you raise your daily burn so that you can create a 500-calorie deficit.

How Much Body Fat Should You Have

The way in which women could and should lose belly fat is different to that of men. Women need somebelly fat to function fat cells store oestrogen, so having too little can cause your whole hormonal function to go out of whack, causing serious health issues such as irregular periods and even infertility.

To that end, striving to lose fat from your stomach with the aim of getting a six-pack, for most females, wouldn’t be healthy. Instead, aim to sit within the 21-30% body fat category. This is what’s considered a healthy body fat percentage range for women.

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Fastest Ways To Lose Belly Fat

If you’re anything like me, you likely want to lose weight and get a flatter stomach to make your pants feel looser and boost your confidence in a bathing suit. But there are additional benefits: Studies have found that losing belly fat can also decrease the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke!

There’s only one problem: It’s not so clear what the most effective ways to whittle your middle are. There’s a seemingly endless amount of rumors and misinformation out there. In fact, if you were to Google “how to get a flat stomach,” you’d get over 13.6 million results, each of which would contain at least a dozen or so tipsthat’s a whole lot of information! To help you cut through the noiseand the flubberwe’ve curated the most up-to-date, definitive guide to scoring that toned stomach you’ve always wanted, compliments of the Zero Belly Diet book. Follow these 21 tips and learn how to lose belly fat fast plus get that flat stomachtoday!

Add Some Acidic Foods

7 Best Way To Lose Belly Fat, The Truths About How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Don’t buy your tickets to Bonnaroo just yet the kind of acid that will help you slim down is the stuff right inside your cabinet. A 12-week study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry reveals that obese study subjects who made vinegar part of their diet dropped more belly fat than a control group, and other research suggests that acidic foods, like vinegar, can increase the human carbohydrate metabolism by as much as 40%.

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Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee beans are simply normal coffee beans that havent been roasted.

They contain two substances believed to help with weight loss, caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

How it works: Caffeine can increase fat burning, and chlorogenic acid can slow the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gut.

Effectiveness: Several human studies have shown that green coffee bean extract can help people lose weight (

25 ).

Side effects: It can cause the same side effects as caffeine. The chlorogenic acid in it may also cause diarrhea, and some people may be allergic to green coffee beans .

Bottom Line:

Green coffee bean extract may cause modest weight loss, but keep in mind that many of the studies were industry sponsored.

Get Serious About Sleep

Even a minor lack of sleep can contribute to a major gain in belly fat, so if you’re eager to keep your belly slim as you age, there’s no time like the present to get serious about your sleep. Research published in the aptly-named journal Sleep reveals that people who skimped on sleep gained 32% more visceral fat over a five-year period than their well-rested counterparts. Now, who’s up for a nap?

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Top Your Salad With Vinaigrette Dressing

Studies show that acidic foods such as vinegar and lemon juice work like lighter fluid in your bodys fat incinerator, increasing carb combustion 20%-40%. Researchers believe the acids blunt insulin spikes and slow the rate at which food empties from your stomach. Fermented foods like pickles and yogurt are also good sour options.

Belly Fat Is Hard To Eliminate

What is the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat?

Reducing belly fat is often more challenging than dropping inches from other parts of the body because doing so relies heavily on diet, says Caley Crawford, NASM CPT, and Director of Education for Row House.

“We often think if we do enough sit-ups, then we’ll get a flatter stomach however, abs also happen in the kitchen,” says Crawford. “So, if you’re looking to lose belly fat, it’s crucial that you partner a strong and healthy diet with your exercise routine,” she says.

You’ll also need to consider your age and genes. According to the Mayo Clinic, they can play a small role in where you store fat. That’s why adhering to a healthy, balanced diet along with your exercise program is critical to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

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Stop Drinking Sugary Drinks

If there’s a hierarchy of sugary goods, then sugary drugs would sit even higher than sugary foods. However, even a small change to your habits here can make a big difference. That was proved in a study by researchers at Virginia Tech, which looked at the benefits of replacing just one sugary drink with water.

“We found that among US adults who consume one serving of sugar-sweetened beverages per day, replacing that drink with water lowered the percent of calories coming from drinks from 17 to 11%,” said study author Kiyah J. Duffey. “Even those who consumed more sugary drinks per day could still benefit from water replacement, dropping the amount of calories coming from beverages to less than 25% of their daily caloric intake.”

Embrace The Power Of Protein

Protein serves a dual role in helping you trim down belly fat by increasing muscle mass and metabolism, while also helping stave off hunger. Research shows that a higher-protein diet increases thermogenesis, which means you burn more calories. Further, eating protein leads to an increased feeling of satisfaction after the meal, often causing you to eat fewer calories later in the day. These High-Protein Breakfast Tacos are the perfect way to start your morning and will keep you feeling full until lunch.

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What Causes Belly Fat

Belly fat is perhaps the most stubborn of bulges. It notoriously resists diet and exercise. Therefore, to recognize the best way to lose belly fat, first understand what causes the weight to cling to our midsection.

According to Shelley Carbone, a Registered nurse specializing in medical aesthetics, lifestyle is not the only cause of belly fat. Numerous biological factors influence abdominal fat. These include:


Hormones play a significant part in determining where fat is stored on the body. For example, in women, Estrogen directs fat to accumulate in the thighs and hips


Men have low estrogen levels. Their hormones direct fat cells higher up on the body. Therefore, they are more likely to gain weight around their midsection claims Carbone.


Both men and women tend to store more belly fat as they get older. This is due, in part, because hormone levels dip as we age, says Carbone. For women, as Estrogen decreases, the body starts sending the fat it usually sends to the thighs and hips upwards towards the lower stomach. This contributes to the infamous lower belly fat pouch.

For men, an age-related decrease in testosterone further accelerates the rate of weight gain around the stomach.


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