Sunday, September 8, 2024

How To Treat Excess Gas In The Stomach

What Are Other Causes Of Excessive Flatulence Or Gas

How to Treat Intestinal Gas | Stomach Problems

Certain conditions can result in other foods being poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, allowing for increased bacterial activity.

  • Malabsorption syndromes can be the result of decreased production of enzymes by the pancreas or problems with the gallbladder or lining of the intestines.
  • SIBO is a condition in which there is an increase in the number and/or alteration of the bacterial types in the upper gastrointestinal track that may result in bloating, flatulence, abdominal and/or gas pain discomfort and diarrhea. The syndrome is usually associated with small intestinal motility disorders, and is treated with antibiotics.
  • If transit through the colon is slowed down for any reason, bacteria have increased opportunity to ferment remaining material. If a person is constipated or has decreased bowel function for any reason, flatulence can develop.
  • Alterations in bowel habits can be a result of the following:
  • Poor dietary fiber

If the body does not digest and absorb some carbohydrates in the small intestine because of a shortage or absence of certain enzymes there, this undigested food then passes from the small intestine into the large intestine, where normal, harmless bacteria break down the food, producing hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and, in about a third of all people, methane. Eventually these gases exit through the rectum.

Foods that may cause acute and/or chronic constant flatulence or gas include:

Take Some Deep Breaths

Deep breathing may help with gas pain. But this only tends to work if it’s something you practice regularly.

Since deep breathing from the diaphragm is so effective for reducing stress, it’s worth taking the time to learn how to do it. You can then use this breathing technique as needed for future gas attacks.

Gas In The Lower Abdomen

Below are some potential causes of gas in the lower abdomen.


A person experiencing symptoms of gas in the lower part of their belly or abdomen may be experiencing gas from fermentation.

Stomach acid helps to break down food and pass it on to the intestines. The intestines break down the food even further in a process that sometimes releases gases. These gases either make their way to the stomach and leave the body as a burp or travel through the intestines and leave the body as flatulence.

Some foods may produce gas more than others. The list some common foods that may cause gas, including:

  • greens, such as kale, cabbage, and Brussel sprouts
  • vegetables, such as onions, cauliflower, and broccoli
  • beans, including black, pinto, and kidney beans
  • dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream
  • high fiber foods, such as whole grains and fruits
  • sugar substitutes and sweeteners, such as sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is an umbrella term for a group of digestive symptoms that can cause pain, discomfort, and changes in bowel movements.

A person with IBS may experience an excessive amount of intestinal gas. This excess gas may lead to abdominal pain, bloating, and flatulence. Other possible symptoms of IBS include:

  • constipation

In extreme cases, the small intestine may be unable to absorb sufficient nutrients from food. This may lead to complications, such as weight loss and anemia.

Food intolerances

  • bloating

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Over The Counter Medications

There are several effective treatments for gas that can be found right in the drugstore.

  • If you are lactose intolerant, you can take OTC lactase when you drink milk products so that you can digest the lactose, thereby avoiding gas.
  • Beano is another digestive enzyme that can be taken to reduce the gas caused by eating beans, vegetables, and grains.
  • Simethicone may not help with preventing gas but may help in passing gas more easily.

Antacids may not help with excess gas. Activated charcoal has not been proven to reduce gas, and should not be taken at the same time as other medications, as there is a risk of reducing their effectiveness.

Foods To Limit To Reduce Flatulence

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  • dairy products such as milk, if lactose intolerance is present
  • dried fruit raisins and prunes
  • fruit apple, apricot, peach and pear
  • foods high in insoluble fibre particularly seeds and husks
  • legumes beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans and nuts
  • vegetables carrot, eggplant, onion, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

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Peppermint Eases Ibs Pain

Peppermint might prove especially helpful for people with IBS who suffer from abdominal cramps and bloating. Peppermint contains menthol oil, which can help relax the intestinal muscles and prevent them from spasming.

How to use:

Inhaling the fumes of this herbal oil can induce a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which can improve its motility and function.

Note: The antispasmodic effect of peppermint can be used to reduce the severity and frequency of IBS symptoms, but it is to be used only as an adjunctive therapy and not as a replacement for the standard treatment.

Ginger Helps The Body Expel Intestinal Gas

Ginger is recognized as a medicinal herb with multiple therapeutic virtues, including the ability to relieve excessive gas and bloating.

Ginger mainly targets the stomach, and its beneficial effects can be enhanced by consuming it with artichoke, which also acts on the small bowel. These two ingredients are present in the commercially available digestive product called Prodigest.

A study supported the efficacy of Prodigest in reducing the symptoms of functional dyspepsia, including bloating, abdominal pain, epigastric heaviness, and nausea, among other discomforts.

How to use:

Add ginger to various dishes as a flavor enhancer. Alternatively, chew on a few slices of ginger, or steep them in hot water to make ginger tea and consume it.

Note: The gastroprotective properties of ginger need to be substantiated by more studies. Moreover, further clinical trials are needed to address the correct dosage and preparation.

The pungent compounds gingerol and shogaol in ginger stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, enabling smoother and easier digestion with lesser gas production.

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What Natural Or Home Remedies Help Relieve Excessive Flatulence Or Gas

Flatulence is most often related to diet, and sometimes to those habits that cause a person to swallow air. One home remedy is to begin to try to remove problem foods from the diet. For many people, this is a trial-and-error procedure on how to relieve and/or prevent excessive gas or flatulence.

Natural and home remedies may or may not cure or eliminate chronic, increased, constant or extreme flatulence . In some people, home remedies may help reduce symptoms. Individuals are encouraged to discuss home remedies and gas symptoms with their health-care professional.

What Are The Treatments For Gas

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Gas problems are treated by changing your diet and by training yourself to swallow less air. There are also prescription and over-the-counter medications that can help.

Changing your diet will mean getting rid of the foods that cause gas. Unfortunately, this may also result in you having fewer nutritious foods. Ask your doctor to help you build a diet thatâs healthy but doesn’t cause much gas.

Over-the-counter medications include:

  • Antacids — especially those that contain simethicone
  • Probiotics — used to help kill bad bacteria and add good bacteria to the digestive tract
  • Lactase products such as Lactaid and Dairy Ease — may help people with lactose intolerance
  • Beano — contains the enzyme that helps digest sugars in beans and many other vegetables

Your doctor may prescribe drugs to help move food through your digestive system. Medicines that do that may also move gas through quicker.

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Reduce Fried Or Fatty Foods

Lowering the consumption of fried or fatty foods is a great help in lessening the amount of intestinal gas patients have to deal with each day. Fatty foods can cause embarrassing gas emissions and physical discomfort too. Fatty foods cause gas by delaying the emptying of the stomach, and eating them can cause bloating, extra gas, and pain in the abdominal region. Once an individual has eaten a diet high in fat, they may belch or pass gas more often as their stomach tries to digest the fat in the food.

Some examples of fatty foods are deep-fried foods, French fries, and processed meats like bacon or sausage. Added fat in a diet slows digestion down so much that individuals may also get acid reflux and heartburn when eating these foods. High cholesterol foods work in the same manner as do fried foods to give individuals gas and cause digestive problems.

What Causes Excessive Gas In The Stomach

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

What causes excessive gas is largely the air we take in when eating and drinking, but air can also be swallowed by chewing tobacco, from hyperventilating, and from loose dentures.There are many ways you can manage excessive gas, and among them are also homeopathic remedies for flatulence that can help with the discomfort.

Eating foods that are high in fiber such as cabbage, beans and apples, and drinking carbonated beverages such as soda can also cause excess gas. Being lactose intolerant is another cause of bloating and gas.

Passing gas is a normal bodily function. It happens every day, and multiple times a day at that, at least 10 to 12 times even up to 23 times a day is considered normal. It may not be socially acceptable behavior, but its still a perfectly natural one.

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Who Might Get Intestinal Gas

Excess gas can make your stomach feel swollen or bloated. You may pass flatulence . Though uncomfortable, excess gas is rarely a concern. Things that make you produce too much gas include:

What Are The Best Home Remedies For An Excessively Gassy Stomach

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There are some home remedies that may be an option to try to help reduce excessive gas.

  • Apple cider vinegar with water: There is no scientific evidence to prove this works, but traditionally, this mixture is used to reduce gas. There are no negative effects to trying this treatment option.
  • Tumeric tea, peppermint tea, chamomile tea, and more teas may provide gas relief.
  • Moving around walking, running, or any movement can help release the gas in your body.
  • Gently massaging your abdomen or rubbing your back can help expel any trapped gas.
  • Some yoga poses may help release gas.

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Tips On Controlling Gas

  • Everyone has gas in the digestive tract.
  • People often believe normal passage of gas to be excessive.
  • Gas comes from two main sources: swallowed air and normal breakdown of certain foods by harmless bacteria naturally present in the large intestine.
  • Swallowed air can be affected by a number of contributing factors. Dentures that do not fit well can cause people to swallow more saliva which carries air bubbles postnasal drip tends to make people swallow more often, carrying more air to the stomach smoking a cigar or pipe may increase the amount of saliva produced and swallowed eating too fast increases the amount of air swallowed gum chewing and sucking on hard candies also increases the amount of air swallowed.
  • Many foods with carbohydrates can cause gas. Fats and proteins cause little gas.
  • Foods more likely to cause gas include:
  • Beans
  • Vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers, onions, radishes, celery, carrots
  • Fruits such as apples, peaches, raisins, bananas, apricots, prune juice, pears
  • Whole grains and bran
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Milk and milk products, such as cheese and ice cream
  • Packaged foods prepared with lactose, such as bread, cereal, and salad dressing
  • Foods containing sorbitol, such as dietetic foods and sugarfree candies and gums
  • Beverages such as wine and dark beer
  • Foods less likely to cause gas include:
  • Meat, poultry, fish
  • Vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini, okra,
  • What Causes Bloating On The Keto Diet

    People following a ketogenic diet often complain of gas retention and a stuffy stomach. This is because the keto diet includes eating a lot of vegetables, of which many are loaded with FODMAPs that are difficult to digest.

    FODMAPs stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, which are a group of carbohydrates notorious for giving belly bloats and flatulence.

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    Red Flags You Shouldnt Ignore

    Gas is usually not a medical emergency, but when accompanied by certain worrisome symptoms, its a good idea to speak with your doctor. Colon cancer is one potential concern, van der Linden says. If is in the lower part of the colon and causing a partial blockage, it could make things back up a little bit easier, he says.

    Additional warning signs of a potentially serious health issue that requires medical attention include:

    • Bloody stool
    • Changes in frequency of bowel movements
    • Persistent diarrhea or constipation

    How To Reduce Bloating With These Top Tips

    How to Prevent Flatulence Gas, Belching and Bloating (Stomach Aches)

    Bloating happens when your abdomen becomes full of gas, causing it to distend. Many of us are familiar with the unpleasant feeling of a bloated stomach, which causes us to spend the next few hours suffering from stomach pains and increased flatulence. Not to mention the uncomfortable expanding waistline that means we have to unbutton our jeans. Bloating is a widespread digestive problem, affecting approximately 16-31% of the population. Whilst it often goes away after time, surely there must be a way to reduce bloating?

    The answer is: Yes, there is! There are several things that you can do to reduce or prevent bloating. In this article, find out what causes excessive amounts of gas in the stomach and how to reduce bloating.

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    What Causes Gas & Bloating

    There are two main causes of gas in the digestive tract .

  • Digestion and fermentation of foods Your digestive tract contains beneficial bacteria that break down food and nutrients. In your large intestine, gas is formed during the fermentation process of carbohydrates like fiber and sugar.
  • Swallowing Air Everyone swallows some air while eating and drinking. Drinking or eating quickly, smoking, chewing gum, or even loose dentures can cause some to swallow more air. The medical term for swallowing air is aerophagia.
  • What Medical Conditions Are Related To Excessive Gassy Stomachs

    Most of the time, excessive gas is a normal part of our digestive system and medical assistance is not always necessary. On the other hand, if you have already tried at-home remedies and the gas is constant, there may be an underlying health reason and you should seek care from a healthcare provider. Some health conditions contributing to excessive gas may include the following:

    • Chronic intestinal disease
    • Bacterial growth in the small intestine

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    What Is Gas In The Digestive Tract

    Gas in the digestive tract is created from:

    • Swallowing air

    • The breakdown of certain foods by the bacteria present in the colon

    Everyone has gas. It may be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but it is not life-threatening. Gas is eliminated by burping or passing it through the rectum. Most people produce about 1 to 4 pints of gas a day and pass gas about 14 times a day.

    Most gas is made up of odorless vapors–carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sometimes methane. Bacteria in the large intestine release gases that contain sulfur and produce an unpleasant odor of flatulence.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Gas

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    Gas symptoms vary from person to person. Common symptoms of gas in the digestive tract include belching, bloating and distention, and passing gas. Having some gas symptoms is normal, especially during or after meals.

    Gas symptoms may be a problem if they occur often, bother you, or affect your daily activities.

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    Lemon And Baking Soda Ease Digestion

    Baking soda contains flavonoids that aid digestion by neutralizing the excess stomach acid. However, it is important to use it in moderation, as excessive baking soda can render the stomach acids ineffective.

    How to use:

    Mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of lime juice in a cup of water and consume.

    Note: This remedy is not scientifically proven but has been shown to alleviate the symptoms of gas.

    Extreme Gas In Stomach:

    There are two types of gas accumulation in the body: lower and upper gastrointestinal gas accumulation:

    • When we talk about gas accumulation in the lower gastrointestinal tract, the condition is referred to as flatulence.
    • When it is in the upper gastrointestinal tract, the condition is referred to as belching.

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    Can Gas And Bloating Cause Headaches

    It is possible that excessive gastrointestinal gas makes its way to your head and cause headaches.

    Headaches provoked by abdominal bloating are mainly bought on by leguminous foods, such as beans, which are difficult to digest and are known to produce excessive gas that has nowhere to go. If your headache is set off by flatulence, it will automatically subside when the stomach bloating comes down.

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