Sunday, September 8, 2024

How To Release Gas From Stomach In Newborn Baby

All Babies Have Gas Because All Babies Have Digestive Systems

How To Relieve Gas and Colic In Babies and Infants Instantly

This is due to what I call the baby gut trifecta:

  • Babies are on all liquid diets .
  • They eat frequently .
  • They do this with a gut which is very immature.

Its no wonder our babies spend their days and nights with rip-roaring gas! Since passing gas signals good GI health, these noisy tooting babies are at least happy most often. The real problem lies when their gas cant be passed. It becomes trapped in their intestines which can cause bloating and discomfort. This inability to pass gas has parents often losing their minds. Try these simple prevention tips, along with some tips on how to soothe even the fussiest gassy baby.

Choose The Right Bottle

Certain bottles are better at preventing gas buildup than others. If youre bottle-feeding, look for a bottle with an anti-colic valve, which is designed to vent air out of the bottle and reduce the air that baby takes in while feeding.

Youll also want a slow-flow nipple, which mimics the flow of milk from a breast and keeps baby from feeding too quickly. Slow-flow nipples make sure that baby wont gulp down too much breastmilk or formula at once, and wont take in as much air as a result.

In addition to this, make sure the bottle nipple is always completely full of milk or formula

When To Speak With A Doctor

While most baby gas cases are fairly harmless, there are times when you should seek professional help.

If your baby exhibits excessive crying, has long crying bouts three or more times per day, or just recently began crying after reaching their first month, contact your pediatrician.

Also call the doctor or seek medical help if your little one isnt eating, peeing, or having regular bowel movements.

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Adjust The Feeding Position

While bottle-feeding or nursing your infant, adjust their feeding position to prevent a bloated baby belly. Keep their head higher than their stomach.

This position helps the milk move to the bottom of the stomach and the air to the top, which helps the baby burp. You can also use a nursing pillow to provide support and tip the nursing bottle slightly up so that there are no air bubbles in the nipple.

Is Your Baby Really In Gas Pain

Baby Gas Pain: Reasons and Home Remedies

First, its important to figure out why your baby is crying. Infants cry because they have no other means of communication. So you have to make sure that your baby is not just hungry, thirsty or tired. If the child really experiences gas pain, the cry will be sharper, more intense and frantic. He will mostly likely to show other signs of discomfort, such as squirming around, pulling up his legs and clenching his fists. In case of gas pain, you may also observe flatulence and burping of your baby.

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Signs Your Baby Has Gas And How To Treat It

Babies are naturally gassy, but you can take preventive measures to keep your little one comfortable. Here, experts share what to do for a gassy baby.

New parents are often surprised at the big noises that come out of a small baby. Newborns can be quite the audible orchestra, and gas is often part of the repertoire. Gas is a normal part of the digestive process, but its also involved in most intestinal complaints, says Jeremiah Levine, M.D., director of pediatric gastroenterology at NYU Langone Health. Too much gas is usually a symptom that something else is going on. Heres how to recognize the signs of a gassy baby and help them pass it.

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Keep Baby Upright After Feeding

Youve probably heard the recommendation for adults with GERD to stay upright after eating and the same principle applies to babies with GERD.

Keeping your baby sitting following a feeding allows gravity to do its work of taking food down the digestive tract. Avoid letting your little one lie down for about 30 minutes post-feeding.

Sometimes, babys stomach pain isnt from run-of-the-mill gas or constipation. Occasionally, its a sign of something more serious.

The following symptoms warrant a call to the pediatrician:

  • a fever of 100.4°F or above
  • diarrhea that lasts more than 48 hours
  • constipation that lasts more than a few days
  • signs of extreme distress, such as nonstop screaming
  • extreme fatigue

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Gas In Babies: Causes Symptoms And Home Remedies

Gas in babies is common, especially during the very early years. Several factors lead to flatulence in infants and babies, including the type of formula the baby has and the mothers diet that affects the breast milk.

No matter what the reason is, it is essential to address the issue of gassiness in the baby, as it could make them fussy and cranky. So what causes gas in babies and how to get relief from it? Here is a MomJunction article with all the information about gas in babies and how you can deal with it.

How To Get Rid Of Baby Gas


A newborn or baby having gas isnt something to worry about in itself. Gas is simply part of life, from day one. But a baby whos showing discomfort because of gas is asking for some help from their caretakers.

Some babies will be able to pass their gas without much intervention, if any at all. Others need a little help, Dr. Sniderman says.

She suggests a few ways to relieve gas in babies.

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Babies Are Naturally Gassy But You Can Take Preventive Measures To Keep Your Little One Comfortable Here Experts Share What To Do For A Gassy Baby

New parents are often surprised by the big noises that come out of a small baby. Newborns can be quite the audible orchestra, and gas is often part of the repertoire. “Gas is a normal part of the digestive process, but it’s also involved in most intestinal complaints,” says Jeremiah Levine, M.D., director of pediatric gastroenterology at NYU Langone Health. “Too much gas is usually a symptom that something else is going on.” So what causes baby gas and what are the signs of a gassy baby?

Learn more about what causes babies to be gassy, how to know whether your baby’s gas is normal or a cause for concern, and how to help your little one cope with gas-related discomfort.

How To Know When The Baby Has Gas

Being a parent is a process of learning and recognition. In this case, the baby tends to feel tense, stops feeding, makes a cant find me face, and his tummy feels hard.

Gas can also be accompanied by reflux due to immaturity in closing the stomachs doorway to the rest of your digestive system. Milk is returned from the stomach into the esophagus, pharynx, larynx, mouth, and may even regurgitate through the nose. In addition, this milk has been in contact with saliva and stomach acids, so it will irritate the entire pathway through which it passes, so the baby could strain when he wants to clear his throat , throw his head back and make faces the burning you feel in the pit of your stomach. You could also have a cough, dysphonia or otitis depending on the severity of the reflux.

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How To Treat Gas In Babies And Toddlers

There are a variety of treatment options for gas-related pain and discomfort, though what is safe and appropriate will be dependent on your child’s age. While determining the underlying cause and preventing gas is the best bet, there are things you can do to help your child when they experience gas pain. Home remedies and over-the-counter medications are often very effective at improving gas-related symptoms.

What Causes Gas In Babies

Infant massages can help a gassy baby

Starting with the first feeding, babies shift from obtaining nutrients from the placenta to drinking and digesting breast milk or formula. Thatâs a big adjustment for a small digestive system thatâs still developing, and itâs a chief reason that gas naturally occurs in infants. Overall, it takes time for your little oneâs gastrointestinal tract to fully develop and build a microbiome . And when an immature digestive system is challenged by too much air being swallowed, as often happens during a feeding, youâre even more likely to have a gassy baby.

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When To Visit The Pediatrician

When fussiness, squirming, and other gassy behaviors persist beyond your babys first few months, its reasonable to wonder if they have a food allergy or intolerance. The biggest clue: Theyre dealing with other significant health problems too. A baby or child with a food allergy will also probably have skin rashes, vomiting, diarrhea or blood in her stool, and she may not be gaining enough weight, says Jean Molleston, M.D., a pediatric gastroenterologist with Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health, in Indianapolis. Visit the doctor if you suspect this.

Gas pain is also a symptom of celiac disease, a serious intolerance to gluten. Children arent born with this autoimmune disorder it can develop at any point when something in their environment turns on the genes that cause it. Ask your doctor to test your child for celiac disease if theyre also experiencing growth issues, abdominal discomfort, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, or constipation, or if celiac or any other autoimmune diseases run in your family.

Will My Baby Outgrow Their Gas Pains

Once your baby’s digestive system develops, they may have much less gas. This is likely to happen after the first few months of life, say by the time they’re 4 to 6 months old.

Of course, once your baby starts eating solid foods â also usually between 4 and 6 months â it’s possible for them to have a reaction to certain foods. Your baby may experience temporary constipation, for example, or a gassy tummy after eating certain gas-inducing vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

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Wendy Colson Rn Ibclc Rlc

Nurse Wendy Colson RN, IBCLC, RLC has over 20 years experience in maternal-child health with an emphasis on human lactation. She works as a lactation consultant in the hospital and in private practice. She is also the CEO + founder of Boobie Bar, which includes her patent-pending proprietary herbal lactation blend in just ONE bar giving moms a third choice from herbal pills and teas.

How To Treat And Prevent Baby Gas

How To Help Your Baby With Gas Pain (Tips from a Pediatric RN )

Other treatment and prevention tips are the following:

Position and bottles:

  • When breastfeeding, get a great attachment, and for bottle feeding, make sure the formula covers the teat completely. Doing these things will help the baby to avoid gulping to get more food and taking in the excess air into their stomach. Always ensure your babys head is higher than their tummy. It will make swallowing and natural digestion easier.
  • Gulping down breast milk too quickly can trap air, so introduce some short breaks into the feeding. Break your latch, pause for 10-15 seconds, and then resume. Take a 30-second break while shifting breasts.
  • Some bottles are specially made to minimize air bubbles and some bottles have a special vent system to eliminate negative pressure and air bubbles. Pay attention to the milk flow from the nipple. Most bottle systems have levels or numbers on the nipples to indicate the suggested age you should use each nipple.


Additional methods:

  • Although choosing the right bottle nipple and giving your baby’s infant probiotics are good for preventing gas, some good old-fashioned bicycle kicks can help your baby during a gassy flare-up. This is also a great opportunity to bond with your baby. To perform this move, follow these simple steps:
  • Lay your baby on a soft blanket on the floor
  • Sit in front of your baby and move your babys legs as if he were on a bicycle

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What Infant Gas Drops Are Safe And Effective

Infant gas drops contain simethicone, which breaks up gas bubbles and is also the main ingredient in common anti-gas medications for adults. Research as to how effective they are is mixed. Still, simethicone gas drops for babies are very safe, and some parents find theyre very effective.

Want to try infant gas drops to help your gassy baby? First, talk to your pediatrician about what kind to look for and how often to give them. And follow the dosing instructions on the bottle. Most will say you can give your baby drops up to 12 times per day, or at each feeding. Some parents find its helpful to give babies gas drops right before each feed to pre-empt gas problems, but check with your doctor to be sure.

Read the label and be sure to avoid drops with sodium benzoate or benzoic acid, which can be harmful to babies in large quantities.

And if a friend or relative brings a gas treatment from another country or one that isn’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration , don’t give it to your baby unless you get approval from your pediatrician. It could contain alcohol, sugar or other potentially harmful ingredients that aren’t clearly listed on the packaging.

Making Changes To Your Baby’s Diet

1. Breastfed infants

You may have already received advice to eliminate certain foods from your diet. This rarely makes a difference, because contrary to popular belief, what a mother eats is not often the cause of her baby’s distress.


  • See our article on lactose overload for tips to reduce gastric symptoms related to frequent feeding patterns.
  • Exclude the many other, more common reasons, for gastric discomfort, irritability and wakeful behavior before going down the path of dietary restrictions.
  • If you suspect a food or milk allergy or intolerance seek professional advice from a doctor or dietician who specializes in this field.

2. Formula fed infants

Changing formula rarely helps, particularly if there are no significant gastric symptoms, such as diarrhea. Prolonged use of an inappropriate infant formula may negatively affect your baby’s development.


If you suspect a food or milk protein allergy or intolerancesee your doctor for advice on suitable formula.

3. When your baby is on solids

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How Do You Comfort A Baby With Gas In Other Ways

Many of us with kids can attest to the power of distraction, especially if your little one is feeling a bit cranky. By using the same techniques experts recommend for calming a fussy baby, you can also help calm a gassy baby.I Here are five of our favorites.

1. Embrace a quiet space: If your babys emotions are already running high due to a gassy belly, refocusing or moving them from a busy or loud environment to a quieter space may help. Calm begets calm, after all.

2. Herald in playtime: To both distract and entertain your baby at the same time, try engaging them in play. Be sure to make eye contact when you talk to them, then reach for a favorite rattle or toy. Bright colors, things with black-and-white contrasts, or even showing them their own reflection can all be good distractions from gassiness, too.

3. Repeat, repeat, repeat: Babies are creatures of habit, making a routine a welcomed comfort. Find one that works for your infant, like playing, sleeping, eating, and repeating. In the same vein, repetitive motions can be hypnotically soothing to your baby: rocking or bouncing them gently as you speak or sing softly can be a lullaby in and of itself.

4. Pacify their innate urges: Sucking is one of the first natural instincts infants haveand its especially soothing to themso a pacifier or teething ring may help do the trick.

Next: Learn more about infant massage in our article How To Give Your Baby a Belly Massage.

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How To Tell If Your Baby Has Gas

Baby Gas Pain: Reasons and Home Remedies

Gas is a common problem for newborns but can continue into later infanthood as babies start eating solids. How the gas presents itself may depend somewhat on the babyâs age, but common signs include arching the back, pulling the legs up to the stomach, and general squirminess. Some parents report that their babiesâ cries sound different when they are gassy compared to when they are hungry or have dirty diapers.

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Little Remedies To The Rescue

Gas pain can be triggered by things like colic, so products like Little Remedies Gripe Water or Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops are quick and easy solutions. Gripe Water, a mixture of water and various herbs, is considered to be an effective homeopathic remedy for quickly eliminating babys pain and discomfort. Gas Relief Drops can even be mixed with formula or water, so they offer a quick solution for gassy babies.

When To Show The Doctor

In most cases, gas is simply a natural consequence of your babys development and adjustment to the world of feeding, and can be managed at home with no problems. However, if your baby suffers from extreme discomfort from gas, often has a distended abdomen from gas, or cannot pass gas effectively even with assistance, there may be an underlying problem. In these cases, it is a good idea to consult a medical professional to avoid any long-term complications. They may suggest gas drops, a natural remedy such as gripe water or possibly even probiotics. It is important to follow your doctors suggestions if you suspect a serious problem aside from normal gas build up.

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