Thursday, September 19, 2024

How To Lose Belly Fat And Flatten Your Stomach

What Causes A Beer Belly

How to Flatten Your Tummy Without Exercise – Reduce Belly Fat

The term “beer belly” is colloquial slang for a medical condition known as “central adiposity,” resulting from an abundance of visceral fat tissue. In contrast to subcutaneous fat that resides directly beneath the skin, visceral fat lies deep in the abdominal region and surrounds vital organs.

As such, visceral fat tends to accumulate behind the abdominal wall. A ramification of this is the classic protruding-belly phenomenon, not too dissimilar from what happens during pregnancy.

But let’s set aside the aesthetic ramifications of having a “beer belly” for a second. What should concern people are the potential health risks of carrying too much body fat around the waistline.

Naturally, obesity and belly fat are like a package deal. However, even those who are not obese according to body mass index standards can still exhibit central adiposity. There are specific health risks tied to excessive belly fat regardless of body weight, including type-2 diabetes and heart disease, and the consequences don’t stop there .

Having too much belly fat also significantly increases the risk of cancer, metabolic syndrome, and all-cause mortality . Furthermore, people with a beer belly gradually develop a lordotic curvature in their spinal column, leading to poor posture and chronic low-back pain.

But it’s not all doom and gloom for those looking to get a flat stomach.

Ways To Tone Your Lower Abdomen According To Experts

Briana Bain, DPT, PT, is a physical therapist based in Virginia Beach. She works as a Physical Therapist at Adler Therapy Group and a BodyPump Instructor at OneLife Fitness

Westend61 / Getty Images

Important disclaimer: there’s no reason you need to reduce belly fat unless you’ve been instructed to do so by a doctor. For many people, belly fat is perfectly healthy and it’s extremely common to have belly fat in the lower abdomen, just below the belly button.

That said, we understand some people are looking to tone their midsection. If that’s you, follow along for some of our favorite tips from fitness and nutrition experts, including a super core-strengthening video how-to from fitness trainer Traci Copeland for healthy ways to target your lower abdomen.

So No There’s Not But Here’s What You Can Do

1. Start simple

Typically there are many things you may need to improve to lose belly fat. But start by focusing on changing or improving just one thing. Then, once you conquer that first objective, you can move on to the next thing, and so on.

2. Target sugar

One good place to begin improving your food choices is to eliminate sugary drinks and not just soda, but juices. Sugar increases belly fat and fiber reduces belly fat thus when you’re juicing fruits, you’re removing the fiber, leaving pure sugar. So one quick fix, a very concrete fix, would be eliminating sugary drinks.

Replacing sugary beverages with water will help dramatically cut down your sugar intake, and then once you’ve taken that step, you can figure out how to cut down on foods that are high in sugar.

If you have a sweet tooth and need to put that final accent to your meal, eat an apple, melon or fresh berries. Just remember, fruit is not a substitute for vegetables.

3. Go Mediterranean

The popular “flat belly diets”embrace much of the wisdom found in eating a Mediterranean diet, which helps everything from brain health to hearth health. The basic premise for both diets is eat foods rich in monosaturated fatty acids that may help reduce your belly fat storage. MUFA-rich foods include olive oil, nuts and seeds, avocodos, and fish. Eating yogurt regularly has also been found to be helpful in reducing belly fat.

4. Front-load your meal

5. Commit to a physical lifestyle

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The Truth About Belly Fat

Surprise: Everyone has some belly fat, even people who have flat abs.

That’s normal. But too much belly fat can affect your health in a way that other fat doesn’t.

Some of your fat is right under your skin. Other fat is deeper inside, around your heart, lungs, liver, and other organs.

It’s that deeper fat — called “visceral” fat — that may be the bigger problem, even for thin people.

Even thin people can have too much belly fat. It’s more about how active you are than your pants size.

Find Ways To Reduce Stress

Pin on Flat belly

Stress triggers cortisol release, a stress hormone that helps fuel your body in crises .

This hormone can really come in handy when a dog is chasing you, but it can work against you when youre trying to reduce stomach fat .

We all experience stress daily. However, it is how you handle the stress that will make or break you.

Instead of letting stress get the best of you, do something about it!

Meditation, yoga, walking, and reading are good examples of activities you can do to relax and alleviate stress. Set aside as much time as you can each day for relaxation.


Probiotics are living bacteria and yeasts that can help improve your digestive health .

According to research, probiotics help release a protein that may help decrease fat storage .

Renew Life Probiotics has some amazing probiotic products.


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Why Is Belly Fat Bad For You

Belly fat is associated with health. If you have high fat in the abdominal area, you are more likely to fall prey to many serious conditions.

Many people want to lose belly fat to improve their appearance. Before trying to lose fat, you must know your condition and goal.

Find the best body fat calipers to measure fat around your tummy. So, how many sit ups to lose belly fat depend on your goal.

Get Your Burger Drunk

Throwing back a bottle of beerinto a marinade, that ismay eliminate harmful chemicals that form when grilling meat at high temperatures, researchers say. In fact, marinating meat with beer for four hours lowered the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by as much as 68% in a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. PAHs are known carcinogens and classified “endocrine disruptors” that have been linked to obesity. Interestingly, the darker beers were the most powerful, but even a non-alcoholic variety reduced chemical formation by 25%. Previous research showed a red wine marinade to have a similar effect. Researchers say the antioxidant-rich marinades act like a barrier between the meat and cancer-causing compounds. Try this trick on any of these Best Burgers for Weight Loss!

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What Is The Best Diet To Lose Belly Fat

Theres no single best diet when it comes to weight loss, including reducing belly fat, and many popular diets that claim to support rapid weight loss aren t backed by science, according to a 2020 study in Nutrition. In fact, a 2021 review in the Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome concluded that weight loss strategiesincluding dietshould be tailored to individuals rather than use a one-size-fits-all mentalityKim JY. Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance. J Obes Metab Syndr. 2021 30 30:20-31.. .

Researchers agree that a key component of weight loss is a calorie deficit, or burning more calories than you consume. That being said, the most successful diet is one you will stick to because it includes foods you like to eat and fits your overall lifestyle. Theres a wide range of health-promoting diets that not only supply your body with important nutrients, but also support weight loss goals. The key is finding the one that works best for you.

Ways To Get A Flat Belly After 40 According To Experts

Best Exercises To Flatten Your Stomach – 30 Minute Exercise Routine To Lose Belly Fat

Venturing further into adulthood has its perks. You likely have stronger relationships, a better vocabulary, a more robust bank account, and maybe even a family of your own. But sometimes it can feel like you had to trade in your fit figure to obtain all of these “grown up” perks.

Sure, it can be harder to maintain a flat belly as you age, but it’s not at all impossible. So long as you continue to prioritize your health, fitting into your skinny jeans is an obtainable goaland one that doesn’t require you to starve yourself or spend hours in the gym, either. Read on to discover the top diet and exercise tips that can help you get the lean stomach you’ve always wanted. Read on, and for more on healthy eating, don’t miss Eating Habits to Lose Abdominal Fat As You Age, Say Dietitians.

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Swap Your Beef For Salmon

Its a common mistake to try to lose your fat by cutting fats completely out of your diet. Its not just ineffectiveits unhealthy. The trick is getting the right fats. Saturated fats, which are found in meat and dairy, arent going to do any favors for your weight loss goals, but swapping those fats for some types of polyunsaturated fats, like salmon, is a better choice.Salmon wont necessarily make you lose weight, but according to San Francisco Gate, swapping your regular meat for fish is a step in the right direction.

Get Your Beauty Rest & A Flatter Belly

One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to getting that flatter belly overnight we all want is to keep up with healthy eating and lifestyle habits. These are hacks you should aim to make a regular part of your lifestyle. Pair these with a regular exercise routine, a clean eating diet, and a plan to reduce stress. Before you know it, youll be well on your way to a flatter belly that lasts all day long.

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  • Can You Lose Belly Fat Overnight

    Pin on Cali/Vegas

    While nothing causes belly fat to melt away overnight, there are certain lifestyle modifications you can make to help your metabolism burn fat efficiently, even while at rest.

    Getting enough quality sleep is paramount when it comes to health, including maintaining a healthy weight. Studies connect poor sleep to weight gain, so zeroing in on good shut-eye can help when it comes to losing weight, including belly fat.

    Additionally, following Wards advice of limiting after-dinner snacking can help optimize digestion, which is beneficial when it comes to losing belly fat.

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    Consume A Combo Of Calcium And Vitamin D

    Say cheese! Adding some extra calcium and vitamin D to your diet could be the best way to get the flat stomach you’ve been dreaming about. Over just 12 months, researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville found that obese female study subjects who upped their calcium intake shed 11 pounds of body fat without other major dietary modifications. To keep your calcium choices healthy, try mixing it up between dairy sources, calcium-rich leafy greens, fatty fish, nuts, and seeds.

    What Is The Best Exercise To Burn Belly Fat

    Let’s get one thing straight, right away. You can’t spot reduce belly fat when you lose body fat, you’ll lose it from all over, not one specific place. Similarly, no one exercise is going to torch stomach fat specifically. Your diet, stress levels and sleep play just as important role in your body being able to effectively lose fat.

    Regular movement, including these exercises, will keep your body strong, build muscle and burn calories all-important building blocks in losing fat. The old adage is true though: you can’t out-exercise a bad diet, so be mindful about how you’re fuelling your fat loss too.

    Tarik Belalij, personal trainer and nutritionist at Everyone Active Leisure Centre suggests focusing on the following food groups:

    • Nutrient-rich vegetables: kale, spinach, collard greens
    • Lean protein: turkey, chicken or tofu
    • Unprocessed carbohydrates: potatoes, bananas, rice and quinoa

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    Eliminate Foods That Bloat

    “Consider taking out foods that cause bloat, including dairy products. As we age, our bodies can’t break down lactose as efficiently. When we can’t efficiently digest something, it tends to cause gas and bloat, which is the opposite of a flat stomach. Avoid dairy foods, and you’ll likely see some improvement!” Amy Shapiro MS, RD, CDN of Real Nutrition NYC

    The Key To Trimming Your Midsection: Healthy Eating Combined With Regular Physical Activity

    Flatten Your Stomach By Losing Belly Fat In 6 Steps

    Losing weightand maintaining a healthy weightis the most effective way to shrink your waistline. Weight loss can also improve your blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugars. So, if you want to lose belly fat, stick with a tried-and-true plan: Eat a healthy diet and stay active. For most of us, thats easier said than done, but here are some tips to get you started.

  • Follow a Mediterranean eating plan. The Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional cooking styles of countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. The idea is to get back to the basics of healthy eating and fill your plate with plant-based foods, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, legumes and nuts, and fish and poultry. Drinking red winein moderation, of courseis encouraged but by no means required.
  • Read food labels. Knowing how to read and understand Nutrition Facts labels and lists of ingredients can help you make smart food choices and make every calorie count. When youre trying to lose weight, understand what counts as a serving size and learn how to spot added sugars.
  • Limit sugary drinks. Sugar-sweetened beverageslike soda, energy drinks, high-calorie coffee drinks, and some fruit juicescontain a lot of empty calories. Worse, they dont fill you up the same way real food does. Limiting or eliminating sugary drinks can prevent sudden upswings in blood sugar levels and help you maintain a healthy weight.
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    Lifting Vs Running: Does This Matter

    Getting a flat stomach is heavily dependent on losing weight, specifically fat. This comes from being in a caloric deficit through eating less and expending more energy.

    When it comes to lifting vs running, there is no clear winner here in terms of which is best for a flat stomach.

    We do know that lifting during a cutting or fat loss phase provides immense benefits of muscle retention , improving metabolism, and helping you burn more calories at rest. However, in the end, it comes down to being in a calorie deficit.

    For best results, it is recommended to lift, and throw in some running , however, cardio is not a necessary aspect of fat loss programs when your diet is sound. Cardio can be a very useful tool for some individuals if they are already eating less and lifting weights.

    Drink To Reduce Belly Fat

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