Sunday, September 8, 2024

What To Do To Get Rid Of Bloated Stomach

Does Menopause Bloating Go Away

How to fix a Bloated Stomach naturally in 4 minutes

Its very likely that youll experience bloating at some point during perimenopause and menopause, or after menopause. There are several causes of bloating. Hormones may be the main culprit if youre still experiencing your period. Bloating should diminish after menopause, which may provide you some relief.

Does Water Help With Bloating

While it may seem counterintuitive, drinking water may help to reduce bloat by ridding the body of excess sodium, Fullenweider says. Another tip: Be sure to drink plenty of water before your meal too. This step offers the same bloat-minimizing effect and can also prevent overeating, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Imbalances In Your Gut

The guts ecosystem is a sensitive one and a number of things can imbalance your microbiome .

Taking new medication such as antibiotics can impact our balance of gut bacteria. If youre taking new medication and find youre suffering from more bloating than usual, its best to get in touch with your GP.

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Sip Your Way To Relief

10. Cut back on the alcohol. If you drink, do so in moderation and alternate alcoholic beverages with water so that you do not become dehydrated, causing water retention.

11. Try a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Although theres no strong evidence that proves apple cider vinegar reduces bloating, some research shows it may lead to better gut health by helping stabilize blood sugar and control appetite.

12. Brew an herbal tea. The oils and compounds found in lemon balm, peppermint and chamomile have been shown to soothe many symptoms of an upset digestive system.

Parade Daily

Undo Damage From A Night Out

50 Easy Ways to Flush A Bloated Stomach

If you knocked back a few too many drinks on the boardwalk last night and chased them with salty food, your stomach is probably feeling swollen from the alcohol and salt. The fix: drink 12oz of coconut water shortly after you wake up to rehydrate and help eliminate bloat. The potassium in the water helps balance sodium levels in the body and can help fight water retention, says Palinski-Wade.

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Can Bloating Be Prevented Or Avoided

There are many ways to prevent and avoid bloating:

  • Avoid the foods that are known to cause gas. These include cabbage, Brussels sprouts, turnips, beans, and lentils.
  • Avoid chewing gum.
  • Avoid using straws for drinking.
  • Reduce or avoid drinking carbonated drinks .
  • Reduce or avoid eating and drinking foods that include fructose or sorbitol. These artificial sweeteners are often found in sugar-free foods.
  • Eat slowly.
  • Eat more foods high in fiber to prevent constipation. If foods alone dont help, consider taking a fiber supplement.
  • Avoid dairy products if you notice they cause gas and bloating.
  • Quit smoking.

How Do I Get Rid Of Bloating Overnight

Here are some ways to reduce period bloating: follow a low-sodium diet, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. drink lots of water. skip caffeine and alcohol. limit processed foods. exercise regularly. take a diuretic. talk to your doctor about whether birth control pills may help.

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Natural And Other Remedies For Gas

Two products on the market can help with food-related gas and bloating. Both products are packaged forms of the enzymes needed to break down the problematic carbohydrates. Lactase, found in products such as Dairy Ease and Lactaid, can be taken with dairy foods to help break down lactose and lessen gas. Beano helps digest the indigestible carbohydrate in beans and other gas-producing vegetables.

Natural remedies for gas include:

  • Peppermint tea

Ease Into A Yoga Pose

BLOATED STOMACH REMEDIES – How To Get Rid Of Bloated Stomach

Once the dessert is cleared, find some space to give your body a nice stretch. Gentle yoga poses like Childs pose or Cat/Cow can help relieve abdominal discomfort associated with bloating, Doyle says. Hold each pose for five deep breaths , and continue repeating until you feel some relief, she says. Allow your belly to expand fully with each inhale, Doyle says. This helps to activate your bodys parasympathetic nervous system, or rest and digest mode, which is calming and will allow you to better digest your food.

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Flush Out Sodium Bloat

Its no secret consuming too much sodium can make you gain water weight. Studies have found a high sodium diet can lead to excessive bloating . And with many people over-consuming processed foods that are high in sodium its no wonder why so many of us are getting bloated bellies.

Avoiding processed foods is key to lowering your sodium intake. Next time youre about to microwave a processed food check the nutritional label for the sodium content. Its most likely sky-high in sodium. Eating more healthy foods like vegetables, lean meats, and good fats is key to balancing your sodium levels.

Consuming more potassium will help to balance out your sodium levels . If your body is low on potassium then your body will not want to flush out your water weight. Your body will have a hard time pumping out sodium from your cells if there isnt enough potassium there to flush it out.

Your stone age ancestors consumed 16 times as much potassium as sodium. Today in the modern world the average person is consuming double the sodium they are compared to potassium. This is why its a good idea to take a daily electrolyte thats high in potassium. I also like to drink potassium-rich coconut water when I want to drop water weight fast.

Deflating Postmeal Bloat Is Simpler Than You Think

Is the holiday season bringing out your extra-indulgent side? It happens and you may end your holiday dinner feeling like your bellys bulging from all that food.

Does it seem like your stomach just tripled in size? Rest assured, thats not the case, according to Brigham and Womens Hospital. Rather, its likely just gas. It’s caused by excess air or gas in the gastrointestinal tract, says Rachel Doyle, RDN, the Chicago-based owner of RAD Nutrition who focuses on gut health. When we eat, carbohydrates are broken down, and their fiber is fermented, producing gas that expands, which can lead to bloating.

Unpleasant as it is, its generally not something to worry about. Typically, bloating is not a sign of anything serious, especially if it is only occurring after large meals, says Pam Fullenweider, RD, the founder of Fully Mediterranean in Houston.

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If its chronic, however, visit your healthcare provider to rule out something more serious. If you are experiencing bloating frequently, its always a good idea to explore this further with a doctor or dietitian to determine the root cause and rule out any underlying medical conditions, Fullenweider says.

Even your run-of-the-mill bloating can be a pain, though. The good news is you dont have to just sit uncomfortably and wait it out. Follow these seven quick tips to get rid of bloating and return to the holiday merriment.

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Get Your 8 Hours Sleep

Turns out its not only your brain that does not function as well on little sleep, it affects the gut too.

Most of the time well start the day with a flat stomach but if were not getting enough sleep our body will produce cortisol, a stress hormone which can disrupt our digestive system, leading to bloating and constipation. Not an ideal start to the day.

So its key to get your recommended daily 8 hours sleep. Also avoid eating food right before you go to bed. Eating late into the evening and eating lots of raw food especially later in the day may also increase fermentation and gas build up, explains Kalinik.

These Steps Will Show You How To Reduce Bloating

How to get rid of belly bloat overnight: With 4 natural ...

When you’re trying to ease the pressure off of your bloated tum , you’ll want to rely on these digestion-promoting methods to help you reduce bloating in just 24 hours. Here, we help you identify which habits and foods can help reduce bloating and rev up your metabolism along the way.

Hopefully, after you follow a few of our 25 tips on how to reduce bloating there will be minimal instances of trying to squeeze into your favorite pair of jeans.

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Hard Stomach: Causes And Effective Natural Treatments That Really Work

Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer Health

Bloating around the abdominal region can cause a hard stomach. Some people experience that the area around their stomach becomes hard and rigid after eating or if they have issues digesting food. Usually, the bloating and feeling of tightness in the stomach goes away after passing gas, having a bowel movement, or taking natural remedies to relieve bloating. However, some serious medical conditions can cause your stomach to become hard and bloated.

Apart from causing abdominal discomfort, a hard, rigid stomach can cause embarrassment. Some women say that their stomachs become so stiff and swollen that others think they are pregnant. Of course, pregnancy is one reason for having a larger stomach. But, if your hard stomach is because of a digestive problem, there are many effective home remedies to help you get relief.

This article looks at the different reasons you can experience a hard stomach and what you can do to relieve the bloating.

Prevention And Relief From Abdominal Bloating

  • Avoid consuming gas-producing foods like cabbage, beans, and carbonated drinks.
  • Avoid swallowing air while eating or drinking.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not eat more than your stomach can take.
  • Treat constipation as it is one of the main culprits behind stomach bloating.
  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Practise yoga mudras that can help ease digestion and gas problems such as Vayu mudra.

Most cases of abdominal bloating are not of much concern. But in some cases, stomach bloating can have severe side effects on your health and can even be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical condition.

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How To Reduce Bloating

The best bloated stomach remedies depend on whats causing your bloating. Common causes include trapped wind, indigestion, food intolerances, irritable bowel syndrome , constipation and hormonal changes like the menopause. Read more about the causes of a bloated stomach.

Find below the many self-care measures you can try at home to relieve bloating.

How To Get Rid Of The Menopausal Belly Bloat

GET RID OF BLOAT (Tips for a Flat Stomach!)

A number of factors can cause bloating during menopause. You may be bloated because of dietary issues — such as consuming too much salt or eating your food too quickly — or because of other potentially more serious issues. Once you’ve checked with your doctor to rule out any medical causes, you can take steps to help minimize any diet-related belly bloat.

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Bloating Belching And Intestinal Gas: How To Avoid Them

Bloating, belching, gas and gas pains can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Here’s what causes these signs and symptoms and how you can prevent them.

Making lifestyle changes may help reduce or relieve excess gas and gas pain:

  • Try smaller portions. Many of the foods that can cause gas are part of a healthy diet. So, try eating smaller portions of problem foods to see if your body can handle a smaller portion without creating excess gas.
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and don’t gulp. If you have a hard time slowing down, put down your fork between each bite.
  • Avoid chewing gum, sucking on hard candies and drinking through a straw. These activities can cause you to swallow more air.
  • Check your dentures. Poorly fitting dentures can cause you to swallow excess air when you eat and drink.
  • Don’t smoke. Cigarette smoking can increase the amount of air you swallow.
  • Exercise. Physical activity may help move gas through the digestive tract.

The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies provides answers you need to take care of common health problems on your own. This reference covers 120 of todays common health problems in an easy-to-follow, A-to-Z format. Learn what you can do for yourself and when to seek medical attention.

Make Water Your Number One Drink

Flush toxins, decrease your histamine response, and prevent bloating by drinking lots of water. Sure, green tea is good for you and coffee has benefits, too, but to reduce bloating fast, stick to water for the day. If you are really craving tea, make ginger tea.

*Ginger is good for your digestion and is an anti-inflammatory food.

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Reduce Your Stress Levels

Stress can be a big factor in IBS and is often a trigger for symptoms like bloating and diarrhoea. It can make indigestion worse too. So managing your stress may help reduce your physical symptoms too.

Try things like soaking in a warm bath or a relaxing massage to help reduce stress. A tummy massage can be particularly helpful at relieving bloating.

Psychological therapies can sometimes be helpful if youre very sensitive to gas in your tummy. Therapies like cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness may help overcome bloating.

Read more about how to relieve stress and when to see a doctor about stress.

Does Drinking Water Reduce Bloating

How to Get Rid of Stomach Bloat

Water can help beat the bloat, yes. This is because water is an essential part of a healthy digestive system.

Have you ever been dehydrated and as a result, felt sluggish and just plain blah? This is because water helps to reduce the sodium level in your body, which is often a contributor to bloat.

Water is also crucial if you are planning to add fiber to your diet. Keeping the digestive system moving is reliant on good ole H2O.

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What Does Inflammation Have To Do With Bloating

Inflammation has a LOT to do with bloating. So much, in fact, that Ive dedicated a video to the topic, which you can watch here.

Ive also written several posts about inflammation because it really can wreak havoc on your health.

I hope you find some of this information helping! If you are struggling with the discomforts of bloating, relook at the 10 simple tips Ive outlined above and try them out. Even bit by bit is fine.

The more steps you take, the better youll feel. Guaranteed!

This post contains affiliate links to products I use regularly and highly recommend.

Other Potential Causes Of Menopausal Belly Bloat

Simple slip-ups such as swallowing air or overeating may be responsible for belly bloat. But more serious problems display this symptoms, too, such as esophageal reflux, constipation, ovarian cancer, pancreatic insufficiency, tumors and celiac disease. Don’t assume that frequent bloating is from menopause, as it could be from more serious health conditions. Check with your doctor to determine what is most likely responsible with your bloating issues and how best to treat them.

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What Causes Stomach Bloating

Stomach bloating happens when the gastrointestinal tract fills with air or gas. Occasional bloating is often caused by types of food and drink, the hormonal changes of menstruation and swallowing air, but it can also be a sign or symptom of certain digestive disorders and other underlying medical conditions, according to Dr. Christine Lee, a gastroenterologist at Cleveland Clinic.

What Types Of Food Cause Stomach Bloating


If you’re experiencing regular bloating, you should see a doctor and discuss your symptoms with them. Together, you can come up with a treatment plan. As previously discussed, because there are many causes for abdominal bloating, it can be challenging to determine what causes an individuals stomach to bloat.

The first line of treatment for bloating that a doctor may prescribe is the low FODMAP diet. FODMAP stands for:

  • Fermentable Oligosaccharides. These are found in wheat, onions, garlic, legumes, and beans.
  • Disaccharides. A class of sugars that are found in lactose products like milk, yogurt, and ice cream.
  • Monosaccharides. This is a type of sugar that includes fructose. It’s often found in fruits like apples and pears.
  • Polyols. Also called sugar alcohols, they’re found in apricots, nectarines, plums, and cauliflower. They can also be added to chewing gums and candy.

A low FODMAP diet cuts down the number of carbohydrates listed above that you consume. It has been found the small intestine can have a difficult time absorbing them, so it then passes the unabsorbed carbohydrates to the colon. In the colon, they become fermented and then make gas and cause bloating.

Some people may not have a sensitivity to FODMAP foods. The best way to find out if this diet will work for you is to start cutting FODMAP foods out of your diet slowly and then slowly start bringing them back.


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